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Vulnerable Populations

Absent state funding, Philadelphia school officials are looking for medical health partners to help launch new school-based clinics in two schools.

Pennsylvania schools tried to disenroll students who said they were homeless. ‘Being punished for poverty just does not seem right,’ one parent wrote.

Based on girls’ comments in focus groups, a Pennsylvania advocacy group is calling for more Black teachers and staff, an end to overly harsh dress codes that made one girl feel “sexualized,” and courses that highlight Black achievement. 

Larry Krasner’s report also found that 95% of girls arrested in the city are children of color.

In Philadelphia, 83% of early childhood programs are currently facing a staffing shortage and nearly 3,000 children are on a waitlist.

Black and Hispanic students less likely to have access to quality teachers, good school climate and rigorous courses

Those in districts with low incomes and property values have been shortchanged, the plaintiffs contend, as Pennsylvania’s system puts funding burden on local taxes.

After federal mandate, Pennsylvania wants to allow districts to delay standardized testing until fall

“We want to connect as many families as possible to reliable internet access,” said Mayor Jim Kenney in announcing the outreach campaign. “As digital learning continues, access to high-speed internet is more important than ever.”

By The Trace: Teachers across the country are struggling to give students the support they need. In Philadelphia, that includes finding ways to protect them from shootings that are approaching record levels.